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Year 7 & 8 futureFERN COMPETITION

Year 7 & 8 

Registration: Open to all Year 7 & 8 children

Length of Competition: 12 weeks 

Year Group: Year 7-8

Day: Saturdays 

Where: Cambridge Netball Centre - 12 Scott Street

Time: Either 11.55, 12.55 or 1.55 rounds

Registration Fee: $390 per team

Where can I register my child to play?  There are two clubs & that play in our Year 7-8 league.  The clubs are Leamington & Hautapu.   

Overview Year 7 & 8

ANZ futureFERNS Year 7 & 8 provides young Netball stars with the opportunity to convert their fundamental movement skills to foundation Netball skills and refine their understanding of the game principles.  The development of and success in any sport requires a solid core of foundation skills.  The focus for this age group is the transition from the ‘learn’ to the ‘participation’ stage.  This level needs to cater for a wide range of skill levels and aspirations, as players develop at differing rates, whilst also having different aspirations from performance to social.

Enjoyment and fun are still key drivers for participation but, at the same time, performance, challenge and improvement are often key motivators.  To ensure children have the opportunity to apply their skills and stay motivated, competitive events are recommended but the emphasis is still on improving skill and tactical development.

At this point, the pathway may begin to split to recognise a development/talent pathway and a social pathway.  It is critical that Netball continues to cater for all players and must acknowledge that players will move from one pathway to another.  As a result, two competition pathways are proposed:

(1) A development/traditional pathway – 7-a-side standard Netball format

(2) Introduction of recreational Netball – targeted at social participation or at those new to Netball (currently in development).

Diversification of sporting opportunities is still encouraged and enables each child to develop a broad range of sport skills.  It may be tempting to specialise at this age but this should be avoided as this can be detrimental as we now understand that it is more important for young people to master basic movement skills as well as sport-specific skills, as these underpin physical literacy.  Premature specialisation promotes one-sided development and increases the likelihood of injury and burn-out.

This resource has been produced to assist the development of Year 7 & 8 ANZ futureFERNS players.  It focuses on developing the basic Netball skills, including the specialist skills of shooting, defence of shot and rebounding, which are the foundation stones of a great Netball player.  The programme is sequential, developing a series of skills and tactics, each one building on the other.  The activities included help to improve the appropriate fundamental skills and tactics for this stage of development.

Playing Format - Year 7 & 8

Game format: 7v7

Game Day format:4 x 10-minute quarters

Goal height: 3.05 metres

Ball size: Size 5 ball

Umpire: Yes

Use of whistle: Yes

Rules of play 

  • Time with the ball - Ball can be held for up to 3 seconds
  • Footwork: The player must not reground the first grounded foot
  • Defending player: Must retreat 0.9 metre
  • Substitutions: Substitutions can be made at an interval or when play has stopped for injury or illness.  Continue to provide opportunities for players to play a variety of positions
  • Court size: Full court
  • Start of play: Play starts from the centre circle on the whistle
  • Player participation time: Minimum of half a game

Competition set-up 

Competition with focus on all-round development of all players and equal opportunities to play in all positions

Weekly participation

Training time should exceed competition time.  Approximately 60 minutes per session.  Two to three sessions (including game) per week